Swelling legs in Diabetic Nephropathy Patients
Swelling in the legs and sodium and water retention are common symptoms in Diabetes. Water retention, or edema, causes feet, legs or other body parts to swell. It can result from sitting too long, hormones, medications or some illnesses such as diabetes.
If you are diabetic and have noticed some leg swelling recently, the following could be a few reasons for it.
The main reason for leg swelling in diabetes is peripheral edema. Fluids collect in the feet, ankles and leg and this condition can become quite severe if left untreated. A consultation with a doctor is a must.
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Special Treatment for Kidney Disease
Sometimes, a diabetic may suffer from diabetic neuropathy. This is a condition that leads to numbness in legs and feet. As a result, the diabetic may not be able to feel an injury, maybe something even as severe as a sprain or a fracture and continue to use the limb. But the swelling caused by the injury is what will raise concern, which is why a consultation with the doctor becomes very important.
Diabetics have low immunity towards infections and your swelling could very well be a sign of an infection in the leg. Further signs that you may have an infection can be a mild fever and redness along with the swelling.
Sometimes a high blood pressure can also result in leg swelling as fluids begin to build up within the tissues of the body. These are symptoms of a congestive heart failure and if you also feel like you have trouble breathing and are fatigued, you should rush to the nearest hospital.
Then is there any effective treatment for swelling in the legs and sodium and water retention in Diabetes? Immunotherapy can help diabetes solve this problem.
Immunotherapy in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is a breakthrough in biomedical science, which brings new hope to people with diabetes.
Immunotherapy are primitive cells in human body and they have remarkable potentials of differentiation and regeneration. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in the body. They can active the insulin secretion cells and repair the damaged insulin secretion cells, improve the ability of using the insulin in the body. so Immunotherapy has obvious effects in treating diabetes.
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Special Treatment for Kidney Disease
Clinic data showed that Immunotherapy have helped more than 10000 diabetes patients curing their disease who checked in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital. Welcome you visit our hospital.
Immunotherapy for Membraneous Glomerulonephritis(MN)
Membraneous Glomerulonephritis(MN) is a complicated glomerular disease and many factors determine its prognosis, such as gender, age, clinical manifestations, complications, etc. Here I want to introduce a new treatment for MN---Immunotherapy.
Immunotherapy is a new and important treatment against MN. Next I will detail this therapy elaborately.
First let us take a general overlook on MN. MN has the clinical manifestations including large amount of protein or Nephrotic Syndrome. The pathological presentations are featured by the diffusible immune complexes under the epithelial cells, and the presentation of the equal incrassation in the basilar membrane in the glomerulus.
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Generally speaking, MN patients among children and female have a favorable prognosis, while for those patients with large amounts of protein, high blood pressure, or with renal function impairment, their prognosis is not so good.
Whether MN patients need to accept Immunotherapy depends on some conditions, including the degree of proteinuria, duration time for proteinuria, and the condition of renal function. It is generally considered that if protein is over 3.5g within 24 hours and it is companied by the damage of renal function, or protein exceeds 8g within 24 hours, patients should be given the Immunotherapy.
As for the treatment of Immunotherapy, the overall idea is that the solely use of glucocorticooid or hormone is of no avail. While the combination of hormones and cyclophosphamide could make patients’ clinical symptoms remitted.
Traditional Immunotherapy could obviously alleviate the clinical symptoms and protect the renal functions, however, the side effects really exist.
Based on the traditional Immunotherapy, we propose a brand new Immunotherapy in our hospital. Its maximum highlight includes the add up of the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmosis and Immunotherapy, both of which could repair and restore the renal functions.
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
So the article is the brief introduction of Immunotherapy in treating MN. More information is available for you online.
Immunotherapy is a new and important treatment against MN. Next I will detail this therapy elaborately.
First let us take a general overlook on MN. MN has the clinical manifestations including large amount of protein or Nephrotic Syndrome. The pathological presentations are featured by the diffusible immune complexes under the epithelial cells, and the presentation of the equal incrassation in the basilar membrane in the glomerulus.
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Generally speaking, MN patients among children and female have a favorable prognosis, while for those patients with large amounts of protein, high blood pressure, or with renal function impairment, their prognosis is not so good.
Whether MN patients need to accept Immunotherapy depends on some conditions, including the degree of proteinuria, duration time for proteinuria, and the condition of renal function. It is generally considered that if protein is over 3.5g within 24 hours and it is companied by the damage of renal function, or protein exceeds 8g within 24 hours, patients should be given the Immunotherapy.
As for the treatment of Immunotherapy, the overall idea is that the solely use of glucocorticooid or hormone is of no avail. While the combination of hormones and cyclophosphamide could make patients’ clinical symptoms remitted.
Traditional Immunotherapy could obviously alleviate the clinical symptoms and protect the renal functions, however, the side effects really exist.
Based on the traditional Immunotherapy, we propose a brand new Immunotherapy in our hospital. Its maximum highlight includes the add up of the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmosis and Immunotherapy, both of which could repair and restore the renal functions.
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
So the article is the brief introduction of Immunotherapy in treating MN. More information is available for you online.
Immunotherapy for Chronic Nephritis in 2015
Have you heard of Immunotherapy in 2015?Immunotherapy is one of the most popular word in 2015 in medical world for treating chronic nephritis. Immunotherapy is famous for its excellent effects in treating chronic kidney disease. If you or your relatives or friends are troubled by chronic nephritis, this article and experts on line can be help for you.
More than 1000 chronic kidney disease cases have showed Immunotherapy have good effects in treating chronic nephritis. Data from clinical practice proved that Immunotherapy is the best treatment in treating kidney disease.
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
Meal Plan for Stage 3 Kidney Disease
As we all know, in order to treat chronic nephritis, we need firstly know the reasons which caused chronic nephritis. Almost 95% patients with chronic nephritis are caused by disorder in immune syImmunotherapy in our body so that immune complexes deposit in patients’ kidney. So we need to treat chronic nephritis by cleaning out the complexes in our kidneys.
How do experts in our hospital treat chronic nephritis?
As a professional kidney disease hospital, we have some characteristics in treating chronic nephritis by Immunotherapy.
Firstly, we have more staff, among whom, there are more experts as well. What’s more, we have had a long history in treating kidney disease, so the experience we gain is more accordingly.
Secondly, we are more proficient at the pathogenesis and the feature of medicines, so the medicine we apply is much safer and specific.
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
Meal Plan for Stage 3 Kidney Disease
Thirdly, we have brought in the latest technology and medicine in the world.
Last but not least, our treatment course is more standard, specialized and scientific.
Hope your more inquiries!
More than 1000 chronic kidney disease cases have showed Immunotherapy have good effects in treating chronic nephritis. Data from clinical practice proved that Immunotherapy is the best treatment in treating kidney disease.
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
Meal Plan for Stage 3 Kidney Disease
As we all know, in order to treat chronic nephritis, we need firstly know the reasons which caused chronic nephritis. Almost 95% patients with chronic nephritis are caused by disorder in immune syImmunotherapy in our body so that immune complexes deposit in patients’ kidney. So we need to treat chronic nephritis by cleaning out the complexes in our kidneys.
How do experts in our hospital treat chronic nephritis?
As a professional kidney disease hospital, we have some characteristics in treating chronic nephritis by Immunotherapy.
Firstly, we have more staff, among whom, there are more experts as well. What’s more, we have had a long history in treating kidney disease, so the experience we gain is more accordingly.
Secondly, we are more proficient at the pathogenesis and the feature of medicines, so the medicine we apply is much safer and specific.
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
Meal Plan for Stage 3 Kidney Disease
Thirdly, we have brought in the latest technology and medicine in the world.
Last but not least, our treatment course is more standard, specialized and scientific.
Hope your more inquiries!
Tell Type1 Diabetes from Type2 Diabetes Easily
Do you know how you can tell Type 1 Diabetes from Type 2 Diabetes easily? If you wonder the answers, please read this article. Here you can get answers.
With the development of economic, our living standard become higher and higher. At the same time, more and more disease attack human beings, for example, Diabetes developed at a high speed in last decades. Patients may not familiar with Diabetes when they got Diabetes not long ago. This article will help you learn more information about telling Type 1 Diabetes from Type 2 Diabetes.
What Does BUN 37 for FSGS Patients
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Type 1 Diabetes is also called insulin dependent type. It means there is no insulin secreting. Patients should rely on injection to support normal level of our body. Type 2 is also called non-insulin dependent type. It means there is some insulin secreting in our body, just a few, whose amount is not enough, patients also need to inject some insulin. There are obvious differences between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. Experts in our hospital summarized some differences for you referencing only.
1. Weight changes: Patients with Type 1 Diabetes hasn’t very obvious changes, they may get a bit thinner or just as normal, while for those who are with Type 2 Diabetes, they may get much fatter than before after getting Diabetes.
2. Ages: This is a very easy and reasonable way to tell Type1 Diabetes from Type 2 Diabetes. Generally speaking, you can tell Type1 Diabetes from Type2 Diabetes according to their ages. Patients who got Type1 Diabetes are older than these got Type 2 Diabetes. 40 years old is the boundary, if patients are more than 40 years old, they are most likely to got Type 1 Diabetes, otherwise are Type 2 Diabetes.
3. Clinical symptoms: Patients with Type 1 Diabetes have obvious clinical symptoms which are eating more, drinking more and more urine. Patients with Type 2 Diabetes have no obvious symptoms.
What Does BUN 37 for FSGS Patients
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
It’s no doubt that there will be exceptions, you should distinguish them on your own conditions. If you need more help, please chat with experts on line. They will give you answers.
With the development of economic, our living standard become higher and higher. At the same time, more and more disease attack human beings, for example, Diabetes developed at a high speed in last decades. Patients may not familiar with Diabetes when they got Diabetes not long ago. This article will help you learn more information about telling Type 1 Diabetes from Type 2 Diabetes.
What Does BUN 37 for FSGS Patients
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Type 1 Diabetes is also called insulin dependent type. It means there is no insulin secreting. Patients should rely on injection to support normal level of our body. Type 2 is also called non-insulin dependent type. It means there is some insulin secreting in our body, just a few, whose amount is not enough, patients also need to inject some insulin. There are obvious differences between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. Experts in our hospital summarized some differences for you referencing only.
1. Weight changes: Patients with Type 1 Diabetes hasn’t very obvious changes, they may get a bit thinner or just as normal, while for those who are with Type 2 Diabetes, they may get much fatter than before after getting Diabetes.
2. Ages: This is a very easy and reasonable way to tell Type1 Diabetes from Type 2 Diabetes. Generally speaking, you can tell Type1 Diabetes from Type2 Diabetes according to their ages. Patients who got Type1 Diabetes are older than these got Type 2 Diabetes. 40 years old is the boundary, if patients are more than 40 years old, they are most likely to got Type 1 Diabetes, otherwise are Type 2 Diabetes.
3. Clinical symptoms: Patients with Type 1 Diabetes have obvious clinical symptoms which are eating more, drinking more and more urine. Patients with Type 2 Diabetes have no obvious symptoms.
What Does BUN 37 for FSGS Patients
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
It’s no doubt that there will be exceptions, you should distinguish them on your own conditions. If you need more help, please chat with experts on line. They will give you answers.
High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease
Long-term high blood pressure affects our kidneys through damaging our renal vascular wall. In our daily life, as high blood pressure is so common that many of us do not take it seriously. Actually, it is ok for our renal blood vessels to bear high blood pressure, when it lasts for a long time, vascular wall is damaged and renal functions are impaired therewith.
How to prevent high blood pressure from causing kidney disease?
If you are suffering high blood pressure, try to control your blood pressure into normal range. In terms of this purpose, the following steps can be helpful.
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
High Blood Pressure and Chronic Kidney Disease
● Take some blood pressure-lowering medications.
This is the most direct and effective method of lowering blood pressure. But, please remember, when your blood pressure is get controlled, try to reduce the dose until you need not to take any medications, because long-term taking of these medicines may damage your kidneys.
● Avoid salty foods.
It is widely known that salty foods cause elevated blood pressure; so when are suffering high blood pressure, we are particularly need to avoid these foods so that we can be really far away from kidney disease.
What to do with kidney disease caused by high blood pressure?
Kidney disease caused by high blood pressure is called Hypertensive Nephropathy in clinical. As for this disease, it is caused by persistent high blood pressure, so if we want to avoid further kidney damages, we must bring blood pressure under controlled effectively.
Moreover, kidney disease always causes renal hypertension which, in turn, accelerates Hypertensive Nephropathy. Without any effective treatment, kidney disease caused by high blood pressure eventually develops into kidney failure. Therefore, to avoid this terrible consequently, it is of primary importance for us to treat kidney disease actively.
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
High Blood Pressure and Chronic Kidney Disease
High blood pressure causes kidney disease and reversely, kidney disease causes high blood pressure. They are closely related with each other, so do not neglect high blood pressure casually no matter whether you are suffering kidney disease.
How to prevent high blood pressure from causing kidney disease?
If you are suffering high blood pressure, try to control your blood pressure into normal range. In terms of this purpose, the following steps can be helpful.
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
High Blood Pressure and Chronic Kidney Disease
● Take some blood pressure-lowering medications.
This is the most direct and effective method of lowering blood pressure. But, please remember, when your blood pressure is get controlled, try to reduce the dose until you need not to take any medications, because long-term taking of these medicines may damage your kidneys.
● Avoid salty foods.
It is widely known that salty foods cause elevated blood pressure; so when are suffering high blood pressure, we are particularly need to avoid these foods so that we can be really far away from kidney disease.
What to do with kidney disease caused by high blood pressure?
Kidney disease caused by high blood pressure is called Hypertensive Nephropathy in clinical. As for this disease, it is caused by persistent high blood pressure, so if we want to avoid further kidney damages, we must bring blood pressure under controlled effectively.
Moreover, kidney disease always causes renal hypertension which, in turn, accelerates Hypertensive Nephropathy. Without any effective treatment, kidney disease caused by high blood pressure eventually develops into kidney failure. Therefore, to avoid this terrible consequently, it is of primary importance for us to treat kidney disease actively.
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
High Blood Pressure and Chronic Kidney Disease
High blood pressure causes kidney disease and reversely, kidney disease causes high blood pressure. They are closely related with each other, so do not neglect high blood pressure casually no matter whether you are suffering kidney disease.
Recovery Rate of HSPN

HSPN, also called as Henoch-schonlein Purpura(HSP), or Anaphylactoid Purpura, Purpura Rheumatica, is a disease affecting skin and other organs and this disease is commonly seen in children. In the part of skin, it may cause palpable purpura, or you can say the small hemorrhages, together with the joint and abdominal pain.
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
If kidneys are also involved, small amount of blood and protein in the urine could be seen, but this case often goes without noticed. A small case of HSPN could proceed into ESRD.
Generally, the prognosis for HSPN is good in most patients, with recovery rate of 94% in children and 89% adults in adults. However, if kidney involvement exists in HSPN, then the prognosis for HSPN could become complicated.
However, whether the HSPN lies in the early or later stage, active treatment for this disease is the only way to achieve a better therapeutic result.
Specifically speaking, if the HSPN still lies in the early stage, then the recovery rate for this disease is relatively high. If patients of HSPN have only proteinuria, hematuria, but without harms in renal function, at this stage, if the patient could cooperate with the doctor, generally speaking he would have a good prognosis or recovery rate.
If patients with HSPN have lost this chance, then his renal intrinsic cell may lose more and more, his ECM may continuously proliferate, as the time goes by, his or her kidneys may become totally scarred.
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
But do not lose your heart even if the treatment difficulties are very great, by means of Immunotherapy used in our hospital, patients with later stage of HSPN could also be greatly alleviated, and patients who are receiving dialysis treatment, even though the recovery rate may be low, may have the possibility of getting rid of dialysis. Hope we can help you.
Can Chronic Nephritis Cause Puffy Face
Acute and Chronic Nephritis may cause puffy face. Nephritis may cause the glomeruli to lose their function of filtering the blood, leading to autogeneic immunoreaction and attack other tissues of the body.
Puffy face is common symptoms in our daily life. Some patients ask us if chronic nephritis can cause puffy face, the answer is yes. Chronic nephritis can cause puffy face even swelling in the whole body.
Meal Plan for Stage 3 Kidney Disease
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
New Treatments for IgA Nephropathy Patients Rather Than Dialysis
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
Hot Ginger Therapy for Kidney Disease
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Most patients with chronic kidney disease suffer puffy face, some patients will even swell in eyelids, ankle, feet and belly.
Puffy face is basically an accumulation of fluids that cause your face to appear more rounded and inflamed. There are some reasons why puffy face occurred.
Chronic Nephritis
Acute and Chronic Nephritis may cause puffy face. Nephritis may cause the glomeruli to lose their function of filtering the blood, leading to autogeneic immunoreaction and attack other tissues of the body. At the early stage, maybe there is only swelling of the eyelids and ankles; but as it get severer, swelling may occur not only on the face but also the whole body. If one lives in cold environment or somewhere with bad air quality or bad sanitary condition, he/she will have a higher chance of affecting Nephritis. They need have urine test right now to get the timely treatment. Latest treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital for chronic nephritis is Immunotherapy. It has helped many patients reserve kidney failure. More questions like the cost, welcome you to consult experts on line.
Many people who have allergic body constitution will have puffy face after they have eaten food containing the anaphylactogen. There was once a news report that a lady got puffy face after eating some jujubes. She had thought it was caused by the uncleanness of the jujubes, but actually, anaphylactogen test showed that she was allergic to the protein in the jujubes. Therefore, if you have an allergic body constitution, be careful when eating the foods that may cause allergy, such as mango, kiwi fruit, pawpaw, orange, pear and strawberry.
Certain drugs can make your face appear puffy or swollen, according to MedLine Plus. These include penicillin, glucocorticoids and even aspirin. Birth control pills, antidepressants, blood pressure medication and hormone replacement therapy also may cause fluid retention.
Meal Plan for Stage 3 Kidney Disease
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
New Treatments for IgA Nephropathy Patients Rather Than Dialysis
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
Hot Ginger Therapy for Kidney Disease
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Dehydration can lead to a puffy face. The less water you drink, the more your body will try to hold on to the liquid you take in. Water tends to accumulate in certain parts of your body, including your face. This is more likely to happen when you’re lying down, which is the reason puffy faces are more common in the morning.
More reasons and treatment of puffy face, please consult experts on line.
Puffy face is common symptoms in our daily life. Some patients ask us if chronic nephritis can cause puffy face, the answer is yes. Chronic nephritis can cause puffy face even swelling in the whole body.
Meal Plan for Stage 3 Kidney Disease
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
New Treatments for IgA Nephropathy Patients Rather Than Dialysis
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
Hot Ginger Therapy for Kidney Disease
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Most patients with chronic kidney disease suffer puffy face, some patients will even swell in eyelids, ankle, feet and belly.
Puffy face is basically an accumulation of fluids that cause your face to appear more rounded and inflamed. There are some reasons why puffy face occurred.
Chronic Nephritis
Acute and Chronic Nephritis may cause puffy face. Nephritis may cause the glomeruli to lose their function of filtering the blood, leading to autogeneic immunoreaction and attack other tissues of the body. At the early stage, maybe there is only swelling of the eyelids and ankles; but as it get severer, swelling may occur not only on the face but also the whole body. If one lives in cold environment or somewhere with bad air quality or bad sanitary condition, he/she will have a higher chance of affecting Nephritis. They need have urine test right now to get the timely treatment. Latest treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital for chronic nephritis is Immunotherapy. It has helped many patients reserve kidney failure. More questions like the cost, welcome you to consult experts on line.
Many people who have allergic body constitution will have puffy face after they have eaten food containing the anaphylactogen. There was once a news report that a lady got puffy face after eating some jujubes. She had thought it was caused by the uncleanness of the jujubes, but actually, anaphylactogen test showed that she was allergic to the protein in the jujubes. Therefore, if you have an allergic body constitution, be careful when eating the foods that may cause allergy, such as mango, kiwi fruit, pawpaw, orange, pear and strawberry.
Certain drugs can make your face appear puffy or swollen, according to MedLine Plus. These include penicillin, glucocorticoids and even aspirin. Birth control pills, antidepressants, blood pressure medication and hormone replacement therapy also may cause fluid retention.
Meal Plan for Stage 3 Kidney Disease
Can Kidney Failure Be Treated without Dialysis
New Treatments for IgA Nephropathy Patients Rather Than Dialysis
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
Hot Ginger Therapy for Kidney Disease
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Dehydration can lead to a puffy face. The less water you drink, the more your body will try to hold on to the liquid you take in. Water tends to accumulate in certain parts of your body, including your face. This is more likely to happen when you’re lying down, which is the reason puffy faces are more common in the morning.
More reasons and treatment of puffy face, please consult experts on line.
Immunotherapy Cure My Chronic Nephritis
After he used Immunotherapy, the sleep and appetite have been improved greatly. Blood creatinine: 110 umol/l, urea nitrogen: 9.94 mmol/l, uric acid: 180 umol/l, potassium: 3.17 mmol/l.
New Treatments for IgA Nephropathy Patients Rather Than Dialysis
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Name: Xu hu
Gender: male
Age: 46
Country: China
Before the Immunotherapy
He checked in local hospital which is cased by nausea and vomiting for more than one mouth On Jau.5, 2011. Local doctor told him he got acute gastroenteritis and gave him Gentamycin sulfate injection for 8 days. But the symptoms aren’t been reserved but even worse. Swelling was added to him. In order to get a good treatment, he then turned in The First hospital of Henshui city, which is a place in Hebei, China. The result of test showed blood creatinine is 1258.6 umol/l and he was diagnosed with renal insufficiency. Then the doctor in The First hospital of Henshui city gave him normal treatment –dialysis. The disease was still worsening and he couldn’t recover there. With the help of his friend, he finally checked in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital.
Immunotherapyis used
The tests results in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital are as follow:
Blood creatinine: 625 umol/l, urea nitrogen: 13.51 mmol/l, potassium: 3.02 mmol/l. Hemoglobin: 102 g/l. Renal biopsy: Acute interstitial nephritis. Doctor in our hospital firstly made him have some medicines which can decrease the high blood pressure and stop from the damage of renal developing. What is more, they also suggested him use the Micro-Chinese Medicine to create a favorite inner environment for Immunotherapy. Then Immunotherapy was used in him on Feb.15, 2012.
New Treatments for IgA Nephropathy Patients Rather Than Dialysis
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGSAfter Immunotherapy
After he used Immunotherapy, the sleep and appetite have been improved greatly.
Blood creatinine: 110 umol/l, urea nitrogen: 9.94 mmol/l, uric acid: 180 umol/l, potassium: 3.17 mmol/l.
New Treatments for IgA Nephropathy Patients Rather Than Dialysis
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Name: Xu hu
Gender: male
Age: 46
Country: China
Before the Immunotherapy
He checked in local hospital which is cased by nausea and vomiting for more than one mouth On Jau.5, 2011. Local doctor told him he got acute gastroenteritis and gave him Gentamycin sulfate injection for 8 days. But the symptoms aren’t been reserved but even worse. Swelling was added to him. In order to get a good treatment, he then turned in The First hospital of Henshui city, which is a place in Hebei, China. The result of test showed blood creatinine is 1258.6 umol/l and he was diagnosed with renal insufficiency. Then the doctor in The First hospital of Henshui city gave him normal treatment –dialysis. The disease was still worsening and he couldn’t recover there. With the help of his friend, he finally checked in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital.
Immunotherapyis used
The tests results in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital are as follow:
Blood creatinine: 625 umol/l, urea nitrogen: 13.51 mmol/l, potassium: 3.02 mmol/l. Hemoglobin: 102 g/l. Renal biopsy: Acute interstitial nephritis. Doctor in our hospital firstly made him have some medicines which can decrease the high blood pressure and stop from the damage of renal developing. What is more, they also suggested him use the Micro-Chinese Medicine to create a favorite inner environment for Immunotherapy. Then Immunotherapy was used in him on Feb.15, 2012.
New Treatments for IgA Nephropathy Patients Rather Than Dialysis
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGSAfter Immunotherapy
After he used Immunotherapy, the sleep and appetite have been improved greatly.
Blood creatinine: 110 umol/l, urea nitrogen: 9.94 mmol/l, uric acid: 180 umol/l, potassium: 3.17 mmol/l.
Is Stage 2 Membranous Glomerulonephritis Serious
Many patients with Stage 2 Membranous Glomerulonephritis(MN) believe that stage 2 MN means that this disease has progressed into the end stage, and they believe that in the Stage 2 MN, there are not any treatments available, so what they can do is just to wait for the end of their life. Is their thought right?
The answer is no! In fact, from the perspective of pathology, MN could divide into five stages: I stage to Ⅴ stage. Stage 2 MN relatively lies in the early and mid term stage of the disease. So, after the normalized treatment, the patients are hopeful to reach the level of clinical cure.
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Here the clinical cure in deed has some difference with the patients’ completely rehabilitation level we usually refer to. Clinical cure means that the patients’ clinical symptoms all disappear, and some abnormal indexes will improve and by the use of medicines, patients will also reach up to same result as normal healthy persons.
The stages of MN are divided according to the severity degree of the disease. Generally speaking, the MN is displayed mainly in the form of Nephrotic Syndrome(NS) and Asymptomatic Proteinuria.
Stage 2 MN also refers the stage of the formation of spikes, and the glomerulus reactive proliferation against those deposited immune complexes, and etc.
As for the treatment of Stage 2 MN, treatment plans are often formulated according to the patients’ specific conditions. If the patient shows up the clinical manifestation of swelling with diagnosis of NS-typed MN, this time we should use western medicines, especially hormones, to treat the symptoms, thus we could eliminate those symptoms such as edema, proteinuria, etc.
Although hormones are usually effective in eliminating those apparent symptoms, however, these purely symptomatic treatment means will not satisfy patients, because that would lead to the patients’ diseases’ relapse.
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Rather Than Dialysis What Are the Other Treatment for Kidney Failure
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
So in order to treat this disease, we propose Immunotherapy to treat Stage 2 Membranous Glomerulonephritis. It is really not a serious disease.
Experts Explain the Treatment of Chronic Nephritis
Most patients felt confused after diagnosed as Chronic Nephritis. Lets experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital help you solve this question.
There are many patients with Chronic Nephritis missing the best time for treating Chronic Nephritis. It will lead to a worsen condition which may be renal failure or uremia. In this occasion, patients have to dialyze or transplant a new kidney to sustain their life. Is there any effective treatment for Chronic Nephritis? Let experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital explain the effective treatment for patients with Chronic Nephritis.
Is Dangerous for IgA Nephropathy with GFR 48%
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
What Are the Best Herbs to Improve Kidney Function
What Are Foods Should Be Avoided by Patients with Renal Problems
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
1. Patients need clean negative emotions: Because the Chronic Nephritis is a kidney disease which is difficult to treat and damage our kidney greatly, many patients with it may felt scared. Even worse, many patients may give up their hopes after diagnosed as Chronic Nephritis. If they dwell in a bad state for a long period, it may harm both their bodies and their spirits. Experts remind us that many kinds of Chronic Nephritis can be controlled in a reasonable way if adopted right treatment timely. So all patients should relax themselves and keep in a good state. What they need to do is just looking for the best treatment for the disease in order to control it timely.
2. Set a correct attitude for looking for treatment: A scientific and reasonable treatment is needed for patients with Chronic Nephritis. You will never believe there is panacea in the world, neither is so called secret recipe. These things may lead to a delay of your disease and make a worse condition for you. The combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine is the best treatment for Chronic Nephritis.
3. Never drop your guard: There are some patients with Chronic Nephritis having no obvious symptoms. They may drop their guard in the damage it caused. They see their doctors until the conditions have been in a worse state. That means you have to pay much for your health. So a timely treatment plays a very important role for your health.
Is Dangerous for IgA Nephropathy with GFR 48%
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
What Are the Best Herbs to Improve Kidney Function
What Are Foods Should Be Avoided by Patients with Renal Problems
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Experts suggest that never careless your health. Caring your kidney is caring your health and your life. If you have any other questions about Chronic Nephritis, experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will help you. Your questions and suggestions are always welcomed.
There are many patients with Chronic Nephritis missing the best time for treating Chronic Nephritis. It will lead to a worsen condition which may be renal failure or uremia. In this occasion, patients have to dialyze or transplant a new kidney to sustain their life. Is there any effective treatment for Chronic Nephritis? Let experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital explain the effective treatment for patients with Chronic Nephritis.
Is Dangerous for IgA Nephropathy with GFR 48%
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
What Are the Best Herbs to Improve Kidney Function
What Are Foods Should Be Avoided by Patients with Renal Problems
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
1. Patients need clean negative emotions: Because the Chronic Nephritis is a kidney disease which is difficult to treat and damage our kidney greatly, many patients with it may felt scared. Even worse, many patients may give up their hopes after diagnosed as Chronic Nephritis. If they dwell in a bad state for a long period, it may harm both their bodies and their spirits. Experts remind us that many kinds of Chronic Nephritis can be controlled in a reasonable way if adopted right treatment timely. So all patients should relax themselves and keep in a good state. What they need to do is just looking for the best treatment for the disease in order to control it timely.
2. Set a correct attitude for looking for treatment: A scientific and reasonable treatment is needed for patients with Chronic Nephritis. You will never believe there is panacea in the world, neither is so called secret recipe. These things may lead to a delay of your disease and make a worse condition for you. The combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine is the best treatment for Chronic Nephritis.
3. Never drop your guard: There are some patients with Chronic Nephritis having no obvious symptoms. They may drop their guard in the damage it caused. They see their doctors until the conditions have been in a worse state. That means you have to pay much for your health. So a timely treatment plays a very important role for your health.
Is Dangerous for IgA Nephropathy with GFR 48%
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
What Are the Best Herbs to Improve Kidney Function
What Are Foods Should Be Avoided by Patients with Renal Problems
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Experts suggest that never careless your health. Caring your kidney is caring your health and your life. If you have any other questions about Chronic Nephritis, experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will help you. Your questions and suggestions are always welcomed.
Treatment for Membranous Proliferative Glomerularnephritis(MPGN)
Immunotherapy should be mentioned in the treatment of Membranous Proliferative Glomerularnephritis(MPGN). It is a kind of biological therapy and is targeted at restoring damaged kidney cells thus eliminating symptoms. Before the treatment, we need to learn more this disease.
MPGN refers to inflammation of kidney filters caused by deposition of immune abnormalities. Patients with this disease typically experience massive proteins in urine and severe swelling. Conventional medicines, hormones and cyclophosphamide are important in restraining inflammation, remitting symptoms and slowing down kidney damage process. But the impaired kidney cells are not cured. Although healthy lifestyles and living habits can help to decrease kidney burdens, kidney deterioration is not blocked and patients may gradually develop into advanced kidney failure. Early treatment is favored for this disease.
Are Hiccups Associated with Stage 5 Kidney Failure
Hot Ginger Therapy for Kidney Disease
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Immunotherapy to treat MPGN?
Immunotherapy are original cells of human body that can develop into cells in various tissues. Immunotherapy treatment for FSGS can differentiate into various kinds of renal cells which the kidney need, and then the new born cells can replace the necrotic cells, thus achieving the purpose of rebuilding the renal structure.
Kidney secretion, excretion and regulation functions can be recovered so that such clinical symptoms as swelling and proteinuria can be eliminated. Immunotherapy can also activate kidney cells to secrete erythropoietin, and erythropoietin can promote secretion of red blood cells, thus improving blood circulation and improving anemia. Those are obvious or significant treatment effects of Immunotherapy.
Immunotherapy is greatly treasured in the treatment of MPGN. Most patients can have a very good recovery after the treatment. But specific treatment effect may differ based on your real condition.
Are Hiccups Associated with Stage 5 Kidney Failure
Hot Ginger Therapy for Kidney Disease
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
To know treatment effects of Immunotherapy for your own case of MPGN? Just contact us directly or email us!
MPGN refers to inflammation of kidney filters caused by deposition of immune abnormalities. Patients with this disease typically experience massive proteins in urine and severe swelling. Conventional medicines, hormones and cyclophosphamide are important in restraining inflammation, remitting symptoms and slowing down kidney damage process. But the impaired kidney cells are not cured. Although healthy lifestyles and living habits can help to decrease kidney burdens, kidney deterioration is not blocked and patients may gradually develop into advanced kidney failure. Early treatment is favored for this disease.
Are Hiccups Associated with Stage 5 Kidney Failure
Hot Ginger Therapy for Kidney Disease
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Immunotherapy to treat MPGN?
Immunotherapy are original cells of human body that can develop into cells in various tissues. Immunotherapy treatment for FSGS can differentiate into various kinds of renal cells which the kidney need, and then the new born cells can replace the necrotic cells, thus achieving the purpose of rebuilding the renal structure.
Kidney secretion, excretion and regulation functions can be recovered so that such clinical symptoms as swelling and proteinuria can be eliminated. Immunotherapy can also activate kidney cells to secrete erythropoietin, and erythropoietin can promote secretion of red blood cells, thus improving blood circulation and improving anemia. Those are obvious or significant treatment effects of Immunotherapy.
Immunotherapy is greatly treasured in the treatment of MPGN. Most patients can have a very good recovery after the treatment. But specific treatment effect may differ based on your real condition.
Are Hiccups Associated with Stage 5 Kidney Failure
Hot Ginger Therapy for Kidney Disease
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
To know treatment effects of Immunotherapy for your own case of MPGN? Just contact us directly or email us!
Diabetic Nephropathy And Dry Mouth
For most patients with Diabetic nephropathy, they are most likely to suffer from the dry mouth. I would like to share the causes and effects of Diabetic nephropathy and dry mouth.
The most common reasons for a dry mouth in a diabetes patient are
1. Side effects of medication
2. Neuropathy (autonomic)
3. Lack of hydration
4. Kidney dialysis
5. Hyperglycemia
6. Mouth breathing
7. Smoking
The effects of dry mouth in Diabetic nephropathy
Most of us don’t realize that the health of our mouths affects our diabetes control, and that our diabetes control affects our oral health.
Are Hiccups Associated with Stage 5 Kidney Failure
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Can Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Take Dried Dates
Herbal Medicines for Kidney Failure
Can Dialysis Raise 7% Kidney Function for Elder Women
One of the most common oral health problems for diabetics is dry mouth or altered salivary flow. The teeth and muscles in the mouth, face and jaw chew the food into smaller pieces to facilitate digestion in the stomach and intestine. The saliva has several functions. It prevents infection by controlling bacteria in the mouth. It moistens and cleanses the mouth by neutralizing acids produced by dental plaque, and it washes away the dead skin cells that accumulate on the gums, tongue and cheeks. It helps with the digestion, making it possible to chew, taste and swallow food. Dry mouth occurs when there is not enough saliva (real or perceived) to keep your mouth moist, which is important for health, comfort and for speaking. Diagnosis of dry mouth is difficult due to the subjective nature of this condition.
Are Hiccups Associated with Stage 5 Kidney Failure
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Can Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Take Dried Dates
Herbal Medicines for Kidney Failure
Can Dialysis Raise 7% Kidney Function for Elder Women
In most cases, dry mouth is due to side effects of medications. There are over 500 prescription and nonprescription medications that have been found to cause dry mouth. Medications that treat high blood pressure or other heart problems are used by many patients to manage complications of diabetes. Other drug groups that cause dry mouth are those used for depression, anxiety and allergies, as well as diuretics, anti-psychotics, muscle relaxants, sedatives and anti-inflammatory medications. Caffeinated beverages also cause dry mouth, and these should be limited.
The most common reasons for a dry mouth in a diabetes patient are
1. Side effects of medication
2. Neuropathy (autonomic)
3. Lack of hydration
4. Kidney dialysis
5. Hyperglycemia
6. Mouth breathing
7. Smoking
The effects of dry mouth in Diabetic nephropathy
Most of us don’t realize that the health of our mouths affects our diabetes control, and that our diabetes control affects our oral health.
Are Hiccups Associated with Stage 5 Kidney Failure
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Can Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Take Dried Dates
Herbal Medicines for Kidney Failure
Can Dialysis Raise 7% Kidney Function for Elder Women
One of the most common oral health problems for diabetics is dry mouth or altered salivary flow. The teeth and muscles in the mouth, face and jaw chew the food into smaller pieces to facilitate digestion in the stomach and intestine. The saliva has several functions. It prevents infection by controlling bacteria in the mouth. It moistens and cleanses the mouth by neutralizing acids produced by dental plaque, and it washes away the dead skin cells that accumulate on the gums, tongue and cheeks. It helps with the digestion, making it possible to chew, taste and swallow food. Dry mouth occurs when there is not enough saliva (real or perceived) to keep your mouth moist, which is important for health, comfort and for speaking. Diagnosis of dry mouth is difficult due to the subjective nature of this condition.
Are Hiccups Associated with Stage 5 Kidney Failure
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Can Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Take Dried Dates
Herbal Medicines for Kidney Failure
Can Dialysis Raise 7% Kidney Function for Elder Women
In most cases, dry mouth is due to side effects of medications. There are over 500 prescription and nonprescription medications that have been found to cause dry mouth. Medications that treat high blood pressure or other heart problems are used by many patients to manage complications of diabetes. Other drug groups that cause dry mouth are those used for depression, anxiety and allergies, as well as diuretics, anti-psychotics, muscle relaxants, sedatives and anti-inflammatory medications. Caffeinated beverages also cause dry mouth, and these should be limited.
Treatment of Pediatric Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis
Have you heard about Pediatric Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis(HSP)? Maybe not. So here I want to introduce the disease of Pediatric HSP as well as its treatment.
First I want to introduce something about HSP. HSP is a syImmunotherapyic disease characterized by necrotized vasculitis, and HSP usually involves in overall body’s organs, including the manifestations such as Skin Purpura, Joint Gall, stomachache, hemafecia, as well as Hematuresis and proteinuria.
In the part of kidneys, HSP is often seen the deposition of IgA immune complexes, among which, body cells and some organisms all involves in the attack of this disease.
As for the treatment for Pediatric HSP, Immunotherapy is the top choice. There are many recovery cases in our hospital related with pediatric HSP.
Simply speaking, for the light and acute types of pediatric HSP, the main therapies used focus on the preventative and symptomatic treatments. Especially the uses of antibiotics, symptomatic treatment including depressurization, diuresis, controlling infections, besides, hormones and cytotoxic drugs such as adrenocortical hormone, metacortandracin, cyclophosphamide, are also be used here.
Are Hiccups Associated with Stage 5 Kidney Failure
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
What Are the Best Herbs to Improve Kidney Function
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
As for the severe cases of pediatric HSP, Immunotherapy is the proper choice. It includes the blood purification technologies such as plasmapheresis, immunoadsorption , which could remove those toxins and wastes in your blood, as well as obviously ameliorating the symptoms of proteinuria and hematurewsis.
By means of the advanced blood purification equipments across the world, we could clearly know the types of immune complexes, amount of these immune complexes, as well as their places of deposition. With the exact diagnoses of HSP, we could eliminate all of those immune complexes, such as IgA, IgM, IgG out of the body by these powerful equipments.
Are Hiccups Associated with Stage 5 Kidney Failure
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
What Are the Best Herbs to Improve Kidney Function
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Then we use focus on the elevation of patients’ immunity as well as on the repairing and restoration of patients’ renal functions. Here we mainly rely on Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is effective in fulfilling these tasks.
These are the simple introduction about treatments on Pediatric Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis(HSP). Hope it is helpful for you.
First I want to introduce something about HSP. HSP is a syImmunotherapyic disease characterized by necrotized vasculitis, and HSP usually involves in overall body’s organs, including the manifestations such as Skin Purpura, Joint Gall, stomachache, hemafecia, as well as Hematuresis and proteinuria.
In the part of kidneys, HSP is often seen the deposition of IgA immune complexes, among which, body cells and some organisms all involves in the attack of this disease.
As for the treatment for Pediatric HSP, Immunotherapy is the top choice. There are many recovery cases in our hospital related with pediatric HSP.
Simply speaking, for the light and acute types of pediatric HSP, the main therapies used focus on the preventative and symptomatic treatments. Especially the uses of antibiotics, symptomatic treatment including depressurization, diuresis, controlling infections, besides, hormones and cytotoxic drugs such as adrenocortical hormone, metacortandracin, cyclophosphamide, are also be used here.
Are Hiccups Associated with Stage 5 Kidney Failure
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
What Are the Best Herbs to Improve Kidney Function
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
As for the severe cases of pediatric HSP, Immunotherapy is the proper choice. It includes the blood purification technologies such as plasmapheresis, immunoadsorption , which could remove those toxins and wastes in your blood, as well as obviously ameliorating the symptoms of proteinuria and hematurewsis.
By means of the advanced blood purification equipments across the world, we could clearly know the types of immune complexes, amount of these immune complexes, as well as their places of deposition. With the exact diagnoses of HSP, we could eliminate all of those immune complexes, such as IgA, IgM, IgG out of the body by these powerful equipments.
Are Hiccups Associated with Stage 5 Kidney Failure
How to Improve 18% GFR for Stage 4 CKD Patients
Can PKD Treated By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
What Are the Best Herbs to Improve Kidney Function
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Then we use focus on the elevation of patients’ immunity as well as on the repairing and restoration of patients’ renal functions. Here we mainly rely on Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is effective in fulfilling these tasks.
These are the simple introduction about treatments on Pediatric Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis(HSP). Hope it is helpful for you.
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic Syndrome, simply called as NS, is a series of symptoms of glomerular diseases. NS happens in children is called as Children NS. This article intends to have an introduction on Children NS with the focus of its treatment.
The typical manifestations of NS are large amount urinary protein, symptom of hypoproteinemia, swelling(edema) and possibly with hyperlipidaemia. You may know that the large amount of urinary protein is the characteristic of glomerular disease, while in the renal tubule-related disease, there are rarely the phenomenon of large protein in urine. And due to the reason that hypoproteinemia, hyperlipidaemia, and swelling are all the result of large urinary protein, so the diagnosis of NS should focus on the proteinuria.
How to Relieve Swelling in Full Body for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Treatment for 8 Years Old Children with Nephrotic Syndrome
Is There a Cure for Nephrotic Syndrome in Children
Could It Be Nephrotic Syndrome with Proteinuria but No Swelling
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
The attacking age of children NS happens commonly in the children between the age of 3 to 6 years old, and the morbidity rate in boy is higher than in girl. Swelling is the early clinical symptom in children NS.
Children NS greatly influence the children’s growth and development. And this disease is not easy to treat, because it is easily to relapse. So what is the best treatment for Children NS?
In fact, children NS is the most common urinary syImmunotherapy disease in children and this disease has become one of the main diseases which could endanger children’s health.
Compared with adult NS, children are subjected more harms considering that they are in the stage of growth and development. The large amount losses of protein make the children in long-term shortage of needed energies, and delay their development.
The worse still, traditional Western treatment causes the secondary damage to the children. The commonly used drugs in Western treatment, such as hormones, immunosuppressive agents, have some certain side effects. Even in the adults, the uses of these medicines could result the side effects such as reducing immunity, gastrointestinal discomforts, electrolyte disorders as well as fat, etc. Not to mention their damage in children .
How to Relieve Swelling in Full Body for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Treatment for 8 Years Old Children with Nephrotic Syndrome
Is There a Cure for Nephrotic Syndrome in Children
Could It Be Nephrotic Syndrome with Proteinuria but No Swelling
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Here I recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy used in our hospital, and it has treated thousands of children with NS. If you are interested, consult us for more.
The typical manifestations of NS are large amount urinary protein, symptom of hypoproteinemia, swelling(edema) and possibly with hyperlipidaemia. You may know that the large amount of urinary protein is the characteristic of glomerular disease, while in the renal tubule-related disease, there are rarely the phenomenon of large protein in urine. And due to the reason that hypoproteinemia, hyperlipidaemia, and swelling are all the result of large urinary protein, so the diagnosis of NS should focus on the proteinuria.
How to Relieve Swelling in Full Body for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Treatment for 8 Years Old Children with Nephrotic Syndrome
Is There a Cure for Nephrotic Syndrome in Children
Could It Be Nephrotic Syndrome with Proteinuria but No Swelling
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
The attacking age of children NS happens commonly in the children between the age of 3 to 6 years old, and the morbidity rate in boy is higher than in girl. Swelling is the early clinical symptom in children NS.
Children NS greatly influence the children’s growth and development. And this disease is not easy to treat, because it is easily to relapse. So what is the best treatment for Children NS?
In fact, children NS is the most common urinary syImmunotherapy disease in children and this disease has become one of the main diseases which could endanger children’s health.
Compared with adult NS, children are subjected more harms considering that they are in the stage of growth and development. The large amount losses of protein make the children in long-term shortage of needed energies, and delay their development.
The worse still, traditional Western treatment causes the secondary damage to the children. The commonly used drugs in Western treatment, such as hormones, immunosuppressive agents, have some certain side effects. Even in the adults, the uses of these medicines could result the side effects such as reducing immunity, gastrointestinal discomforts, electrolyte disorders as well as fat, etc. Not to mention their damage in children .
How to Relieve Swelling in Full Body for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Treatment for 8 Years Old Children with Nephrotic Syndrome
Is There a Cure for Nephrotic Syndrome in Children
Could It Be Nephrotic Syndrome with Proteinuria but No Swelling
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Here I recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy used in our hospital, and it has treated thousands of children with NS. If you are interested, consult us for more.
Child Kidney seller Suffers Renal Failure
As more and more people though out the world knowing about it, here I would like to say maybe it is too late for him to change, as a unlucky boy, he need our help.
Chinese kid who sells his kidney for an iPad and iPhone is suffering renal failure now, I got this news form Internet this morning. Today, Wang suffers from renal deficiency, meaning his kidneys can no longer filter out toxins from his blood. Doctors say he's going to need a transplant of his own. As more and more people though out the world knowing about it, here I would like to say maybe it is too late for him to change, as a unlucky boy, he need our help.
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
What Are the Best Herbs to Improve Kidney Function
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
For many patients just like the boy in renal failure, they must very sad when they knew they have got renal failure. Usually, their doctor will tell them there is no other better solution except kidney transport or dialysis.
Chinese kid who sells his kidney for an iPad and iPhone is suffering renal failure now, I got this news form Internet this morning. Today, Wang suffers from renal deficiency, meaning his kidneys can no longer filter out toxins from his blood. Doctors say he's going to need a transplant of his own. As more and more people though out the world knowing about it, here I would like to say maybe it is too late for him to change, as a unlucky boy, he need our help.
For many patients just like the boy in renal failure, they must very sad when they knew they have got renal failure. Usually, their doctor will tell them there is no other better solution except kidney transport or dialysis.
In fact, latest treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital have helped many patients with renal failure reserve the renal failure even the uremia. It is the Immunotherapy.
As we all know, more than 95% renal diseases are caused by the disorder of immune syImmunotherapy. Most people have a powerful innate immune syImmunotherapy which can protect them from disease. Besides, in order to make sure the well condition of innate immune syImmunotherapy, the body also has two syImmunotherapys which are back-up syImmunotherapy and adaptive immune syImmunotherapy. When these two syImmunotherapys can’t work correctly, our body can’t clean the immune complexes. When these immune complexes deposit in kidney, then kidney disease will occur.
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
What Are the Best Herbs to Improve Kidney Function
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
There are tree processes of immunotherapy are inevitable and they are blocking of the fibrosis process caused by damages of immune syImmunotherapy, repairing of damaged renal tissues, as well as rebuild of kidney function.
So we hope we can help more patients with renal failure reserve it by Immunotherapy.
Chinese kid who sells his kidney for an iPad and iPhone is suffering renal failure now, I got this news form Internet this morning. Today, Wang suffers from renal deficiency, meaning his kidneys can no longer filter out toxins from his blood. Doctors say he's going to need a transplant of his own. As more and more people though out the world knowing about it, here I would like to say maybe it is too late for him to change, as a unlucky boy, he need our help.
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
What Are the Best Herbs to Improve Kidney Function
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
For many patients just like the boy in renal failure, they must very sad when they knew they have got renal failure. Usually, their doctor will tell them there is no other better solution except kidney transport or dialysis.
Chinese kid who sells his kidney for an iPad and iPhone is suffering renal failure now, I got this news form Internet this morning. Today, Wang suffers from renal deficiency, meaning his kidneys can no longer filter out toxins from his blood. Doctors say he's going to need a transplant of his own. As more and more people though out the world knowing about it, here I would like to say maybe it is too late for him to change, as a unlucky boy, he need our help.
For many patients just like the boy in renal failure, they must very sad when they knew they have got renal failure. Usually, their doctor will tell them there is no other better solution except kidney transport or dialysis.
In fact, latest treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital have helped many patients with renal failure reserve the renal failure even the uremia. It is the Immunotherapy.
As we all know, more than 95% renal diseases are caused by the disorder of immune syImmunotherapy. Most people have a powerful innate immune syImmunotherapy which can protect them from disease. Besides, in order to make sure the well condition of innate immune syImmunotherapy, the body also has two syImmunotherapys which are back-up syImmunotherapy and adaptive immune syImmunotherapy. When these two syImmunotherapys can’t work correctly, our body can’t clean the immune complexes. When these immune complexes deposit in kidney, then kidney disease will occur.
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
What Are the Best Herbs to Improve Kidney Function
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
There are tree processes of immunotherapy are inevitable and they are blocking of the fibrosis process caused by damages of immune syImmunotherapy, repairing of damaged renal tissues, as well as rebuild of kidney function.
So we hope we can help more patients with renal failure reserve it by Immunotherapy.
Nephrotic Syndrome Was Overcome by Micro-Chinese Medicine
Nephrotic Syndrome(NS), is a commonly seen clinical symptoms related with kidney disease. Here I want to share with you a patient’s rehabilitation case, which is about NS was overcome by Micro-Chinese Medicine.
Nephrotic Syndrome(NS), is a commonly seen clinical symptoms related with kidney disease. Here I want to share with you a patient’s rehabilitation case, which is about NS was overcome by Micro-Chinese Medicine.
NS is a series of clinical symptoms with the characteristics of high amount urinary protein(≥3.5g/d), hyperlipidaemia, high swelling and hypoproteinemia. Now I want to share with you a patient’ story happened in our hospital. This patient has suffered from NS and this disease was conquered by Micro-Chinese Medicine.
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
How to Stop Dialysis Naturally for Kidney Failure Patients
Treatment Rather Than Kidney Transplant for Kidney Failure with Creatinine 5.3
What Is the New Treatment for Kidney Failure Other than Dialysis
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
This patient was a little child with the age of only 5 year-old, but he was tortured by Nephrotic Syndrome. On April 20th, 2008, he was hospitalized in our hospital, at that time, his main complaint was over a year’s swelling(edema) in the both eyelids and both lower limbs. He was diagnosed as NS, luckily, his renal function is normal.
When this little patient was hospitalized in our hospital, doctors immediately gave him thorough inspections, and his test report is in this way. His both eyelids are swelling, besides, his both legs are also in edema, and his whole body was sometimes ulcerated and itchy, and, his pharyngeal was in hyperemia and his tonsil was slight swollen.
His test reports show that his urine protein is 3+, his urea nitrogen is 13.89mmol/L, creatinine is 182.67umol/L, and his uric acid is 392.87umol/L. Test reports show that his creatinine and urea nitrogen have increases slightly.
According to his test result, he was diagnosed as NS. And his treatment plan was drafted, and the main points of his plan are: 1.Use Western medicines to treat the leakage of protein and reduce the internal pressure in the glomerulusp; 2.Use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmosis treatment two times every day for improving the renal function and repairing the damaged kidneys; 3. Give hormone or immunosuppressive drugs treatment if necessary.
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
How to Stop Dialysis Naturally for Kidney Failure Patients
Treatment Rather Than Kidney Transplant for Kidney Failure with Creatinine 5.3
What Is the New Treatment for Kidney Failure Other than Dialysis
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute After about 20 days’ treatment, his overall body indexes are close to normal, and his urine protein and occult blood both turn to negative, and his serum creatinine and urea nitrogen both decline to the normal level. Besides, his overall mental spirit looks very well and there are no any discomforts such as vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
We are very happy for this little patient because his NS was conquered by Micro-Chinese Medicine, in fact, these rehabilitations cases are on display every day in our hospital
Chinese Medicine for Kidney Stones
Kidney stones is a common disease and frequently occurred. It is severely harmful to people’s health. Kidney stones mainly exist in kidney calices, pelvis and junction point of pelvis and ureters. Stones in any position of urinary tract can all come from the kidneys. Nearly all the ureteral calculus come from the kidneys. Besides, kidney stones are easier to damage the kidney than those in other positions. Apart from the unbearable pain when urinating, frequent blood in urine may cause anemia and urinary tract infection. Most seriously, it may damage the renal function and lead to chronic kidney disease. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment is very important.
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Albuminuria Due to Cysts in Kidneys
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
HuaXia Nephropathy Research Institute
How to treat kidney stones?
Minimally invasive surgery. It is the most commonly used treatment methods for kidney stones. Surgeries often used are Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) and Percutaneous Nephrostomy & Lithotripsy (PCNL).
ESWL is suitable for kidney stones less than 2.5cm and those not too hard. The disadvantage of it is that patients have to receive treatment for many times. In most cases, the stones cannot be removed at one time. PCNL is suitable for kidney stones over 2.5cm and those are hard to dissolve such as calcium oxalate stones and cystine calculus. It can remove the stones at one time, but there will be trauma and some other complications. It can cause damage to normal renal tissues.
Conservative treatment of traditional Chinese herbal medicine. It can only remove stones smaller than 0.5cm. But it is good for changing internal environment and prevent relapse.
New treatment method for kidney stones—Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy needs no surgery and it is painless. It can totally avoids hormone medicine, immunomodulator and cytotoxic medicine. Chinese medicine micronization means using strong ultrasonic cultivation method to micronize the Chinese medicine molecules of micron-sized diameter into one thousandths smaller granules. The micronized Chinese medicine has very high bioactivity and acts directly on the kidneys. There are both micro-Chinese medicine osmosis and highly concentrated oral taking medicine. It has the functions of detoxification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It can strengthen the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors, change the internal environment of the human body and discharge the toxic materials causing kidney stones in the blood.
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Albuminuria Due to Cysts in Kidneys
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
HuaXia Nephropathy Research Institute
Nonsurgical treatment is suitable for patients with stones smaller than 1cm, smooth and with no obstruction or infection.
①Drink a lot of water: Increase urine volume, flush urinary tract and promote the stones move down the tract. Dilute the urine and reduce crystals deposition.
②Taking Chinese herbal medicine.
③Acupuncture: Increase the peristalsis of pelvis and ureters, which is good for the discharge of kidney stones.
④Jumping activities and panting are also good for the discharge of stones.
⑤Others. Patients with infection should receive active treatment for it and use sensitive medicine. Patients with metabolic disturbance should regulate the PH of urine and treat primary disease.
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Albuminuria Due to Cysts in Kidneys
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
HuaXia Nephropathy Research Institute
How to treat kidney stones?
Minimally invasive surgery. It is the most commonly used treatment methods for kidney stones. Surgeries often used are Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) and Percutaneous Nephrostomy & Lithotripsy (PCNL).
ESWL is suitable for kidney stones less than 2.5cm and those not too hard. The disadvantage of it is that patients have to receive treatment for many times. In most cases, the stones cannot be removed at one time. PCNL is suitable for kidney stones over 2.5cm and those are hard to dissolve such as calcium oxalate stones and cystine calculus. It can remove the stones at one time, but there will be trauma and some other complications. It can cause damage to normal renal tissues.
Conservative treatment of traditional Chinese herbal medicine. It can only remove stones smaller than 0.5cm. But it is good for changing internal environment and prevent relapse.
New treatment method for kidney stones—Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy needs no surgery and it is painless. It can totally avoids hormone medicine, immunomodulator and cytotoxic medicine. Chinese medicine micronization means using strong ultrasonic cultivation method to micronize the Chinese medicine molecules of micron-sized diameter into one thousandths smaller granules. The micronized Chinese medicine has very high bioactivity and acts directly on the kidneys. There are both micro-Chinese medicine osmosis and highly concentrated oral taking medicine. It has the functions of detoxification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It can strengthen the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors, change the internal environment of the human body and discharge the toxic materials causing kidney stones in the blood.
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Albuminuria Due to Cysts in Kidneys
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
HuaXia Nephropathy Research Institute
Nonsurgical treatment is suitable for patients with stones smaller than 1cm, smooth and with no obstruction or infection.
①Drink a lot of water: Increase urine volume, flush urinary tract and promote the stones move down the tract. Dilute the urine and reduce crystals deposition.
②Taking Chinese herbal medicine.
③Acupuncture: Increase the peristalsis of pelvis and ureters, which is good for the discharge of kidney stones.
④Jumping activities and panting are also good for the discharge of stones.
⑤Others. Patients with infection should receive active treatment for it and use sensitive medicine. Patients with metabolic disturbance should regulate the PH of urine and treat primary disease.
Care Somethings If You Have MPGN
Among all the glomerulonephritides, MPGN is one of the least common. It usually affects children and young adults, with the age between 8 and 30 years. Generally speaking, it has been classified as idiopathic or secondary, with idiopathic MPGN further subdivided into types I through III based on morphological pattern. This disease has had many different names over the years, including lobular, hypocomplementemic, and mesangiocapillary GN.
The treatment for MPGN in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is Immunotherapy. It is the latest treatment through out the world to cure MPGN. It has good effects in treating MPGN. Here I say some rules you should pay attention to after you have cured MPGN.
How to Stop Dialysis Naturally for Kidney Failure Patients
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Is There Any Treatment in Cell Repair for Patients with Creatinne 7.1
We can think about it, how a healthy person gets kidney disease? The cause is people's bad living habit. To explain deeply, bad living habit is the root of kidney disease. So if we want to get rid of the disease, we must change the bad habit completely. No healthy living habit, no healthy kidney.
We must pay attention to the contraindication of kidney disease. We must pay attention every year, every day, and every moment. For the contraindication is a great enemy to the treatment, especially the flu, the biggest cause of kidney disease, which can make all the treatments lose effect instantly. To explain seriously, no matter how long it takes for the treatment and how good it is, once get flu, everything will be destroyed.
How to Stop Dialysis Naturally for Kidney Failure Patients
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Is There Any Treatment in Cell Repair for Patients with Creatinne 7.1
From this point of view, preventing contraindication is much more important than spending money on drugs and treatment in hospital.
If you still worried about MPGN, we can help you!
The treatment for MPGN in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is Immunotherapy. It is the latest treatment through out the world to cure MPGN. It has good effects in treating MPGN. Here I say some rules you should pay attention to after you have cured MPGN.
How to Stop Dialysis Naturally for Kidney Failure Patients
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Is There Any Treatment in Cell Repair for Patients with Creatinne 7.1
Stem Cells Therapy for Treating Diabetes
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
You must kick the bad living habits; otherwise , it can not treat the kidney disease well no matter how much medicine you take and money you cost, this is because the incidence of the kidney disease are closely related to a person's habits.We can think about it, how a healthy person gets kidney disease? The cause is people's bad living habit. To explain deeply, bad living habit is the root of kidney disease. So if we want to get rid of the disease, we must change the bad habit completely. No healthy living habit, no healthy kidney.
We must pay attention to the contraindication of kidney disease. We must pay attention every year, every day, and every moment. For the contraindication is a great enemy to the treatment, especially the flu, the biggest cause of kidney disease, which can make all the treatments lose effect instantly. To explain seriously, no matter how long it takes for the treatment and how good it is, once get flu, everything will be destroyed.
How to Stop Dialysis Naturally for Kidney Failure Patients
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Is There Any Treatment in Cell Repair for Patients with Creatinne 7.1
Stem Cells Therapy for Treating Diabetes
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
From this point of view, preventing contraindication is much more important than spending money on drugs and treatment in hospital.
If you still worried about MPGN, we can help you!
How to Treat HSPN Effectively
Do you know how to treat HSPN Effectively? Is there any effective treatment?This article can help you solve these problems.
When you got a disease like HSPN, What is your most things you want? The answer must be the effective treatment. So now let me introduce you some effectively treatments for patients with HSPN, we hope these treatments can be some help for you.
1. Traditional treatment : You had better pay attention to have good rest and keep water and electrolyte in balance state. If there are swelling and large amount of proteinuria, you need to avoid take food in high protein and in low salt and by limit the intake of water. In order to prevent the damage to kidney by reappearing of HSP, you had better to prevent the infection of upper respiratory tract and chronic disease such as chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Never ignore the causes of HSPN, please keep out of touch of these reasons which are causing HSPN.
Herbal Medicines for Kidney Failure
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
Can We Have Bottle Gourd for Renal Disease Patients
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
2. Antiallergic: You may choose chlortrimeton and AImmunotherapyizole. As for calcium gluconate and by vitamin C, you can either by injection or taking orally. All these have obvious effects on stopping from the worsening of the disease.
3. Platelet inhibitors and vasodilators: T he combination of the Aspirin, dipyridamole and Ibuprofen with the calcium channel blockers nifedipine have nice effects on releasing the damage to tissues caused by inflammation.
4. Hormone and immunosuppressive agents: there are some suggestions for you to infer to as follows:
A. Taking Metacortandracin 1-2mg/d for 7-14 days if you have serious joint symptoms.
Herbal Medicines for Kidney Failure
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
Can We Have Bottle Gourd for Renal Disease Patients
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
B. Taking Metacortandracin 1-2mg/d for 8 weeks if you have kidney disease.
The best choice for you is to see your doctor or chat with experts on line, they can give you suggestions according to you specific conditions and they can help you solve these problems you confused about. In this way you can get satisfied answers and treat HSPN timely and effectively.
When you got a disease like HSPN, What is your most things you want? The answer must be the effective treatment. So now let me introduce you some effectively treatments for patients with HSPN, we hope these treatments can be some help for you.
1. Traditional treatment : You had better pay attention to have good rest and keep water and electrolyte in balance state. If there are swelling and large amount of proteinuria, you need to avoid take food in high protein and in low salt and by limit the intake of water. In order to prevent the damage to kidney by reappearing of HSP, you had better to prevent the infection of upper respiratory tract and chronic disease such as chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Never ignore the causes of HSPN, please keep out of touch of these reasons which are causing HSPN.
Herbal Medicines for Kidney Failure
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
Can We Have Bottle Gourd for Renal Disease Patients
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
2. Antiallergic: You may choose chlortrimeton and AImmunotherapyizole. As for calcium gluconate and by vitamin C, you can either by injection or taking orally. All these have obvious effects on stopping from the worsening of the disease.
3. Platelet inhibitors and vasodilators: T he combination of the Aspirin, dipyridamole and Ibuprofen with the calcium channel blockers nifedipine have nice effects on releasing the damage to tissues caused by inflammation.
4. Hormone and immunosuppressive agents: there are some suggestions for you to infer to as follows:
A. Taking Metacortandracin 1-2mg/d for 7-14 days if you have serious joint symptoms.
Herbal Medicines for Kidney Failure
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
Can We Have Bottle Gourd for Renal Disease Patients
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
B. Taking Metacortandracin 1-2mg/d for 8 weeks if you have kidney disease.
The best choice for you is to see your doctor or chat with experts on line, they can give you suggestions according to you specific conditions and they can help you solve these problems you confused about. In this way you can get satisfied answers and treat HSPN timely and effectively.
Chinese Medicine For High Creatinine Level After Kidney Transplant
Researches had showed that for patients who had kidney transplant, they are easily attack by high creatinine level, how to deal with this situation, Chinese medicine can help you solve this problem.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an ancient medical syImmunotherapy that takes a deep understanding of the laws and patterns of nature and applies them to the human body. TCM is not "New Age," nor is it a patchwork of different healing modalities. TCM is a complete medical syImmunotherapy that has been practiced for more than five thousand years.
How to Stop Dialysis Naturally for Kidney Failure Patients
Herbal Medicines for Kidney Failure
How to Drain 21 cm Kidney Cyst Naturally
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
At the heart of TCM is the tenet that the root cause of illnesses, not their symptoms, must be treated. In modern-day terms, TCM is holistic in its approach; it views every aspect of a person’s body, mind, spirit, and emotions as part of one complete circle rather than loosely connected pieces to be treated individually.
In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, one application of TCM is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is welcomed by renal disease patients. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has powerful function in repairing the damaged cells in kidneys, what is more, Micro-Chinese Medicine can clean out the immune complexes depositing in kidneys.
How to Stop Dialysis Naturally for Kidney Failure Patients
Herbal Medicines for Kidney Failure
How to Drain 21 cm Kidney Cyst Naturally
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
Now we have took it into practice for 2 years, the good effects of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy are welcomed by worldwide kidney disease patients. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help you cure your kidney disease successfully without pain, without operation or side effects. For kidney disease patients with high creatinine level after kidney transplant, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a good choice for you!
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an ancient medical syImmunotherapy that takes a deep understanding of the laws and patterns of nature and applies them to the human body. TCM is not "New Age," nor is it a patchwork of different healing modalities. TCM is a complete medical syImmunotherapy that has been practiced for more than five thousand years.
How to Stop Dialysis Naturally for Kidney Failure Patients
Herbal Medicines for Kidney Failure
How to Drain 21 cm Kidney Cyst Naturally
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
At the heart of TCM is the tenet that the root cause of illnesses, not their symptoms, must be treated. In modern-day terms, TCM is holistic in its approach; it views every aspect of a person’s body, mind, spirit, and emotions as part of one complete circle rather than loosely connected pieces to be treated individually.
In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, one application of TCM is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is welcomed by renal disease patients. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has powerful function in repairing the damaged cells in kidneys, what is more, Micro-Chinese Medicine can clean out the immune complexes depositing in kidneys.
How to Stop Dialysis Naturally for Kidney Failure Patients
Herbal Medicines for Kidney Failure
How to Drain 21 cm Kidney Cyst Naturally
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
Now we have took it into practice for 2 years, the good effects of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy are welcomed by worldwide kidney disease patients. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help you cure your kidney disease successfully without pain, without operation or side effects. For kidney disease patients with high creatinine level after kidney transplant, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a good choice for you!
Good New for Patients with Lupus Nephropathy
Lupus Nephropathy is like wolf, which has serious damages to our body. Here I would like share good news with patients in Lupus Nephropathy. It is Immunotherapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney disease hospital.
Before I introduce the Immunotherapy, I will firstly give patients a brief introduction about two effective treatments in treating Lupus Nephropathy, which are Immunotherapy transplant and in our hospital.
Immunotherapy Treatment is a set of procedure, which refers to inject a group of original cells into human body. These cells are original and they have many functions such as differentiation function, homing ability and self-replication function. By means of these functions, we can bring many diseases under control.
What Are Foods Should Be Avoided by Patients with Renal Problems
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
We know Lupus Nephropathy causes decrease of kidney function. In our body, kidney functions are performed by different types of renal intrinsic cells, so when these cells are damaged or necrotic, kidney function decreases. Immunotherapy can differentiate into different types of functional cells, so we can inject some Immunotherapy into patient’s body to replace these necrotic renal intrinsic cells to display kidney function. In this way, kidney functions can be recovered effectively.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
As we know patients with Lupus Nephropathy has Immune complex depositing in their bodies. Immune complex is a kind of toxic and harmful substances, the body can not live with them in peace. They need eliminating. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can get rid of the toxins in the body through promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Also Micro-Chinese Medicine has the following effects: reduce blood pressure; make patients sweat; make the excrement in urine increase; reduce the leakage of protein; make patients comfortable. In addition, the active materials can supply the nutrient substances to the repairing and recovery of the damaged kidney. So Micro-Chinese Medicine really treats the disease from the root.
What Are Foods Should Be Avoided by Patients with Renal Problems
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
Immunotherapy treating Lupus combined the advantages of Immunotherapy Treatment and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. More detail like the cost you can consult the experts on line.
Before I introduce the Immunotherapy, I will firstly give patients a brief introduction about two effective treatments in treating Lupus Nephropathy, which are Immunotherapy transplant and in our hospital.
Immunotherapy Treatment is a set of procedure, which refers to inject a group of original cells into human body. These cells are original and they have many functions such as differentiation function, homing ability and self-replication function. By means of these functions, we can bring many diseases under control.
What Are Foods Should Be Avoided by Patients with Renal Problems
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
We know Lupus Nephropathy causes decrease of kidney function. In our body, kidney functions are performed by different types of renal intrinsic cells, so when these cells are damaged or necrotic, kidney function decreases. Immunotherapy can differentiate into different types of functional cells, so we can inject some Immunotherapy into patient’s body to replace these necrotic renal intrinsic cells to display kidney function. In this way, kidney functions can be recovered effectively.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
As we know patients with Lupus Nephropathy has Immune complex depositing in their bodies. Immune complex is a kind of toxic and harmful substances, the body can not live with them in peace. They need eliminating. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can get rid of the toxins in the body through promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Also Micro-Chinese Medicine has the following effects: reduce blood pressure; make patients sweat; make the excrement in urine increase; reduce the leakage of protein; make patients comfortable. In addition, the active materials can supply the nutrient substances to the repairing and recovery of the damaged kidney. So Micro-Chinese Medicine really treats the disease from the root.
What Are Foods Should Be Avoided by Patients with Renal Problems
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
Immunotherapy treating Lupus combined the advantages of Immunotherapy Treatment and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. More detail like the cost you can consult the experts on line.
How to Exercise for Nephritis Patients
Recently many Nephritis patients ask how to exercise so as to better treat their disease. I here want to give them some advice.
Traditional advice for Nephritis patients are proposed that these patients should reduce their exercises so that they will have more rest that is beneficial for the patients’ disease.
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Huaxia Nehropathy Research Institute
However, exercise really has the advantage of improving your body immunity. The principle for exercise is that exercise should do not make patients feel tired, otherwise other diseases or accidents may be induced. Excessive amount of exercises could make patients feel tired, so the patients’ immunity could reduce, which may induce infections, such as catching cold, or make the nephritis worsened.
The patterns of exercises are various. There are these exercises such as bed exercises, indoor exercises, outdoor go for a walk, run, bicycle riding, take exercises to radio music, as well as various kinds of body building exercises, taijiquan, eight trigrams boxing, etc.
Different kinds of exercises could consume different calories, for example, walking for 30 minutes consumes energy about 418.4 joule, riding bicycle used 1255.2 joule per hour, dancing consumes 1387.21 joule per hour, ball games consumes 1673.6-2092 joule per hour, so we can see that different exercises have a great different in consuming the energies.
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Huaxia Nehropathy Research Institute
Among them, the way of taking a walk is very suitable for those aged patients or those Nephritis patients with weak body strength. For Nephritis patients with strong body strength, he could take the heel-and-toe walking race.
After all, exercises should be conducted regularly and step by step. And, we should select the place that is quiet with fresh air to exercise. Along with the coming of spring festival, patients should avoid the places that are very draught in case catching cold or inducing the appearance of infection in upper respiratory tract that will aggravate the disease.
Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS
How Does Micro-Chinese Omsotherapy Treat Patients with Kidney Problems
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Huaxia Nehropathy Research Institute
Here I recommend Chinese shadow boxing, or called as taijiquan for the patients with Nephritis. This exercise has the character of being soft, stretching, easy, etc. So this exercise is very suitable for these nephritis patients.
How Long Can I Live on Dialysis
We do not and no one knows how long patients on dialysis will live. We think that some dialysis patients may live as long as people without kidney failure. Some people have lived many years on less than good levels, so each case has to be looked at individually. I really want to stress that the there is no scientific way to accurately predict life expectancy for patients on dialysis, if you get the most effective treatment, you are most likely to avoid dialysis and renew your kidney function.
Some researches showed that after 4 years, 85% of Peritoneal Dialysis patients are still alive, and 75% of hemodialysis patients are still alive.Other figures I have heard say that about 50% of patients are still alive after 7 years.All of this, though, also depends on the patients original state and other diseases, like diabetes.
Our Special Treatment for Kidney Disease
Can Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Take Dried Dates
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Dialysis is not perfect. It is much better to get effective treatment to avoid dialysis!
Latest treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital for patients have done dialysis or are to do dialysis is Immunotherapy, which can help you avoid and stop dialysis in most degrees. Immunotherapy in our hospital combined the most advanced Immunotherapy transplant and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy perfectly.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese Medicine is not a new treatment. Instead, it is just an innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine is taken by mouth, but the effect is really slow and its smell is also not good. For this reason, Traditional Chinese Medicine is not so popular even though it has good effect on treating kinds of disease. Based on this, we invited Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is used in an external application method. The main common functions of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy such as activating blood circulation, Removing and eliminating the blood stasis and toxins in body and protecting remained kidney function and by repairing part of damaged kidney.
Our Special Treatment for Kidney Disease
Can Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Take Dried Dates
How Can Help CKD Stage 5 Patients without Dialysis
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Cooperated with the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy transplant can help you avoid dialysis or stop dialysis in great possibilities.
Hope your enquires about treatment to avoiding dialysis.
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