
What is Protein+?

In the patients manifests to have proteins, many of them are faily puzzled of whether they can be cured. In view of the otherness of every patients, and the complexity of manifestations of proteins. At present, the furative conditions are really exist, but they cannot entirely absolute. Therefore, in the aspect of treating, we are more particular emphasis on the explain of diet.

(1) we should based on the difficulties of the kind and of state of the illness of kidneys causing proteins, we should use unlike standards of protein diet. Chronic lupus nephritis patients can usually provid according to normal necessary. For adults, it is 0.8~1.0g/kg per day. They should choose high biological value proteins, such as milk, fish, lean meat and so on. For the patients with complications and without renal damage, they can eat high protein diet, for adults, they should eat the protein within 1.5~2.0g/kg, and provide good proteins. With patients of plasmaurea nitrogen increses, the patients should usually take low protein diet, which is relatively proper.

(2) in plant proteins, because of lots of purine base, can aggravate the burden of kidney intermediary metabolism, therefore they should be eaten less. Among them, although the proteins of beans and bean products are high. While based on the above reasons, protein patients also should aontraindicated.

(3) complications and so on. Apart from the losing of lots of proteins in the urine, at the same time, losing the calcium, magnesium, zinc and other miceral substances combining with proteins, patients should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and so on. Provide foods full of calcium, such as milk and its products, dried small shrimps, sesame paste, kelp, fish, green vegetables and so on. Foods full of magnesium, such as millet, wheat, barley, meat, pluck and so on. Foods full of zinc, such as millet, wheat, corn flour, celery cabbage, radish, carrot, eggplant, hyacinth bean, pumkin and so on.

You must have some knowledge of these things about protein. By this way can you adjust and seize time to treat these diseases.


Uremia High Creatinine Dialysis Can Live Several Years Longer

Uremia high creatinine is a more serious illness, heal up relative is relatively complex and costly medical expenses also. Many families cannot afford more because such extraordinary medical expenses and give up treatment, so uremia creatinine relatively high mortality rate is quite high. However, many patients do not know uremic these high creatinine, creatinine and believe that high uremic patients will eventually die.
Today's soaring creatinine uremic patients are usually taken in order to treat dialysis method. Dialysis is a substitute to the treatment of uremic patients with elevated creatinine kidneys artificial kidney to clean up the body of toxins and waste out. After the patient has received medical treatment will reduce the performance of the body. However, patients with uremia high creatinine after receiving treatment, we must be persistent treatment, the disease will be interrupted if repeatedly. Dialysis patient's condition will heal seriousness of the patient's kidneys causing secondary damage, eventually resulting in the patient's kidney function is impaired, the patient must treat the disease with a kidney transplant approach. However, kidney is a very focused questions, many patients are not able to find a kidney lost their lives.
You can see, the use of dialysis patients with uremia high creatinine method not only for the treatment of symptoms of the disease without the benefits of the treatment, there may eventually make the patient to death. Therefore, the selection of patients in the treatment program, do not forget to be careful. Uremic patients with high creatinine should be how to heal only the best , small to explain your "features six TCM penetration therapy + immunotherapy " healing system of my site belongs to heal kidney kidney hospital center , the ultimate aim of the treatment is recovery of kidney patients not necrotic cells , kidney patients return to work , so it will not exhibit the phenomenon of renal decline continuously . The first is the treatment of kidney detoxification treatment through my website belongs kidney hospital in the patient's body clear of toxins through the intestinal exported through the permeation characteristics of Chinese medicine therapy + immunotherapy six patients with impaired renal cell recovery. After the patient's disease cure, you can get on with a normal person.

Although uremia high creatinine is a more serious illness, but also choosing the right method is also able to cure. So be sure the patient in the treatment plan to be careful, look no method results, and see whether it can completely cure uremia high creatinine.


How to Look After Your Kidneys?

Everybody knows that the functioning of the Kidney organs are very important for our body. Even many medications come with reminders that if taken without proper care they can have a poor effect on the kidney function. There are some tips for protecting kidneys.

Stay away from sugars, sodas and artificial sweeteners, processed salty foods and the bad trans fats. Instead, change to natural salt and good fats such as butter from raw cream, olive oil and organic coconut oil. Stevia is a safe replacement for sugar.

Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables (particularly the latter) together with grass fed beef and free range chicken and eggs.

If you have high blood pressure, follow good lifestyle advice about weight, exercise and stress, take prescribed medication and have your blood pressure checked regularly. Uncontrolled hypertension can speed up the natural course of any underlying kidney disease. If you have diabetes, make sure that your blood sugar is kept under control.

Maintain a healthy weight and, of course, this will be more easily achieved through the other lifestyle changes that you make.

Don’t smoke and limit your alcohol to a maximum of two small drinks per day if you are male or one small drink per day if you are female.


Creatinine is High, Fruits and Vegetables to Help

When creatinine increased, the patient is no more than the most significant drop creatinine questions. In an interview with reduced creatinine Health, the main program is the key to healing. In the healing but also pay attention to scientific and reasonable diet, fruits and vegetables is tantamount to explain the majority of high creatinine renal patients the best food.

1 If the patient urine normal, eat more vegetables, fruits, etc., adequate supply of vitamins and minerals.

2 If the urine changes should pick potassium content of less food consumption. Potassium-rich foods because of the patient's body causes elevated levels of serum potassium, easily resulting in cardiac arrest, life-threatening. Relatively high potassium content of the principal fruits, bananas, pineapples, dates, melons, etc. Relatively high potassium content of vegetables is spinach, celery, carrots, potatoes and so on. According to the guidance of the doctor in charge of the patient, and to develop a suitable diet program, with the condition to heal.

3 patients oliguria high creatinine, should be Eat, not to eat too much fullness. After treatment, after receiving diuretics, when potassium is depleted, can eat. Eat plenty of fruits can be used to supply potassium.

Patients should be noted is that cantaloupe. Cantaloupe is a sweet and delicious fruit, loved by the people. Nevertheless, the rich cantaloupe containing potassium ions. The body of potassium too high will result in the onset of heart disease, directly life-threatening. When renal impairment of glomerular filtration rate (detoxification capacity) decreases, potassium metabolism imbalance, if no discharge method Hurry potassium would cause hyperkalemia, and irregular heartbeat, heart failure occurs. So be sure to cantaloupe is not allowed to eat.

How is Caused by Renal Comprehensive

Kidney disease more and more consolidated this hair, gave rise to endless trouble and pain, people living under enormous pressure while also suffering from the disease itself, and in the end is what caused the kidney consolidated it? I invited this website belongs to Center Director Wang kidney hospital for the treatment of kidney disease. " is how to raise the renal comprehensive " to patients discharged doubt.
My website belongs to healthy kidney Hospital Center Director Wang etiology of renal relatively more consolidated. Many diseases have probably resulted in the occurrence of renal comprehensive. Proposal does not apply to life as demonstrated professional performance should seize the time to disease progression away from the hospital. If you want to know more about the treatment, or other aspects of renal comprehensive knowledge can directly log on to my site belongs to kidney hospital in the center of the official website for the treatment of kidney disease awareness.
In fact, for a different patient , its causes will be very different. How about the kidney caused total consolidated summarized as follows:
1, bad habit: pressure, excessive drinking, excessive sex life and so have probably the cause of renal comprehensive, overworked kidneys will be damaged and thus become the etiology of renal ensemble.
2, the bacterial infection. Common in shunt nephritis, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis.
3, virus infection. Common in hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis syndrome, autoimmune deficiencies virus.
4 hypercholesterolemia. Due to increased hepatic synthesis and thus compensatory fewer lipoprotein decomposition, so it caused kidney ensemble.
5, the glomerular basement membrane by other factors influence the immune filter holes resulting in increased leakage of excess protein formation proteinuria PRO.

6, secondary renal consolidated by various infections and diabetes caused by other reasons.


How to Lower Creatinine Level?

Avoid eating foods rich in potassium. If the amount of potassium increase, it will break the balance of microelement and cause edema, which increase the difficulties of controlling the disease. Therefore, patients should avoid foods rich in potassium, such as watermelon, onion, pineapple and winter melon.
Avoid fatty foods which would increase blood fat and damage the health of patients. Therefore, patients should eat less fat and fried foods.
Limit the intake of salt. Generally patients with high creatinine would appear edema and high blood pressure. So patients should limit the intake of salt.
What’s more, nursing care in the daily life is very important to decrease creatinine.
Reduce intensive manual labour and brain work and guarantee enough rest time.
Be careful with drugs, especially renal toxicity. Because general drugs will play a normal efficacy after dissolving in blood. When blood flow into kidneys, the rest efficacy will have bad effects on kidneys, so patients with high creatinine should be careful with drugs and follow the doctor’s advice.

Have a regular test. Regular test is very important for patients with high creatinine. Regular test is good for doctors to know the detailed condition of patients and make proper adjustments to treatment.


Nursing Methods for Patients with Renal Insufficiency

Renal insufficiency is a common disease in the daily life.
Pay attention to the intake of protein.
Patients with renal insufficiency should pay attention to the intake of protein which should be decided according to the degree of renal function impairment.
Pay attention to the intake of heat.
While following a low protein diet,patients should supply heat. Patients should at more fresh vegetables and fruit,honey and jam.
Pay attention to the intake of phosphorus.
In order to reduce the intake of phosphorus, patients should further cook the fish,meat and potatoes.
Pay attention to the intake of salt.
The intake of salt should according to the condition of patients. Patients with renal insufficiency should increase the amount of water,if there is no obvious edema.
Be optimistic about life.

Patients with renal insufficiency should keep a good mood and be optimistic about life. Build confidence to beat the disease. If there is any discomfort, patients should go to hospital to have a good treatment.


A Kidney Healthy Dish

Here's a favourite autumn dish that packs plenty of quality protein and healthy carbohydrates for days when you're craving a warm and replenishing meal. It's equally good for preparing your body for vigorous activity the next day, or to help replace glycogen and electrolyte stores after a physically demanding day.
Sweet potatoes are rich in a number of micronutrients, the most prominent of which are vitamin C and beta-carotene; both are powerful antioxidants that can decrease your risk of developing diabetes and colon cancer.
If you eat enough healthy fats, your body can convert some of the beta-carotene found in sweet potatoes into vitamin A, which supports optimal immune system strength, a healthy digestive tract lining, optimal vision, and healthy skin.
Sweet potatoes are also abundant in manganese, copper, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, and iron.
Tomatoes are also rich in naturally occurring vitamin C and carotenoids. They're also abundant in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can help neutralize excess free radicals throughout your body.
Chickpeas - sometimes called garbanzo beans - provide substantial amounts of folate, manganese, tryptophan, copper, iron, and of course, healthy protein.

If you have kidney disease, it's important that you consult a renal dietitian and follow a kidney diet.


What Diet Should be Avoided by Patients with Pyelonephritis

What Foods to Be Avoided for Patients with PyelonephritisFood is the most direct and effective source to obtain nutrients for people. Any diseases have taboo in diet in which also includes pyelonephritis.
The following things tell patients what food can be eaten.
Avoid fatty foods
Pyelonephritis patients have the symptoms like high blood pressure and anemia which can be affected by animal fat. This is because fat can result in the exacerbation of arteriosclerosis and the inhibition of hematopoietic function, the chronic nephritis patients should eat less. However, if chronic nephritis patients don’t have fat intake, their body will become weaker, so in the daily life, people can replace it with vegetable oil and around 60 grams every day.
Limit salt
Edema has great relationship between blood volume and sodium salt. If pyelonephritis patients have eaten too much salt but urination function has impaired, which often aggravate the symptom of edema, increase blood volume and finally lead to heart failure. Therefore, patients must limit salt and to be given a low salt diet. Every day, salt intake should be controlled below 2-4 g.
Limit plant protein

The protein intake should depend on the condition of renal function. When oliguria, edema, high blood pressure and Nitrogen stranding appear, in order to reduce the burden of the kidney and avoid nonprotein nitrogen accumulation in the body, pyelonephritis patients should control the intake amount of protein in 20~40grams. Especially plant protein which can aggravate the metabolism of kidney, patients shouldn’t use beans and bean products as the nutritional supplement, such as soya bean, mung bean, broad bean, soybean milk and bean curd.


What is Chronic Nephritis

Nephritis patients often show lack of energy , the weak symptoms , experts pointed out that two of chronic and acute nephritis , acute nephritis is relatively easy to cure , the symptoms of chronic nephritis and acute nephritis have similarities, everyone below introduce the more common chronic nephritis three symptoms.
How is it chronic nephritis
In the course of chronic nephritis patients may be caused by other reasons to induce acute respiratory infection episodes, acute nephritis similar performance. Chronic nephritis patients with varying degrees of proteinuria, hematuria, urinary tube, edema and high blood pressure and other symptoms.
Gradual onset of chronic nephritis, protracted illness, when weight, renal function gradually decreased, the latter may be anemia, electrolyte imbalance, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine and so on.
Acute nephritis kidney disease is most common, but the symptoms are usually proteinuria, microscopic hematuria symptoms, delayed more than a year and evolve into chronic nephritis. Past history of acute nephritis, then a clinical cure, after quite a long time, due to an infection, fatigue, upper respiratory tract infection, and proteinuria, edema, hypertension and other symptoms of nephritis.
In general, chronic nephritis proteinuria or hematuria and other symptoms, and even severe symptoms such as edema or increased blood pressure , when patients with these symptoms , the patient can be subjected to proper rest and active treatment, some patients to alleviate the symptoms , but there are patients due to infection , fatigue and recurrent.
For many patients with kidney disease pathology is not at the time of onset, usually as renal insufficiency, anemia , and some patients even creatinine , urea nitrogen is high , is uremia , upon inspection it was found that proteinuria , hematuria abnormalities, or has a low specific gravity , the proportion of fixed urine, while the diagnosis of chronic nephritis with renal insufficiency.

Symptoms of chronic nephritis, a detailed description given above, we want to help, chronic nephritis is a frequent disease, we must attract enough attention. By understanding, we want to help, nephritis is not terrible, the key is to select the right method and means of care, I wish you have a healthy body.


Treatment for Chronic Renal Failure

Treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) can slow its progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
Treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) aims to slow progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and to prepare for ESRD.
Control hypertension (high blood pressure)—Target systolic blood pressure (BP) is 120 to 135 mm Hg; target diastolic BP is 70 to 80 mm Hg. Antihypertensive medication from the ACE class is preferable because of protective effects on the kidneys.
Restrict dietary protein—Dietary protein is broken down into amino acids and absorbed from the stomach into the blood. The amino acids are taken from the bloodstream and used to build muscle and perform other essential functions. Excess amino acids are further broken down into carbohydrates and nitrogen-containing waste that is eliminated by the kidneys. Amino acid disposal further burdens the kidneys, and is believed to speed the progression of CRF. This process is like forcing a damaged machine to work harder, causing it to break down sooner than expected.
Affected patients must be cautious not to overdo protein restriction, because it can lead to malnutrition and muscle wasting. Moderate protein restriction for a CRF patient is about 0.6 to 0.8 gm/kg/day, which is effectively achieved by following the advice of a dietician.

Manage pre-end-stage renal disease (pre-ESRD)—Treatment for pre-ESRD should begin once the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) falls below 30 milliliters per minute (< 30 mL/min). Pre-ESRD management includes the identification and treatment of anemia (low red blood cell count). When the GFR drops below 30 mL/min, anemia often develops because the kidneys produce an inadequate amount of erythropoetin (EPO). This hormone is made by the kidneys and travels to the bone marrow, where it stimulates red blood cell production. Anemic patients are candidates for EPO (Procrit®) injections to maintain their hematocrit (volume percent of red blood cells in whole blood) between 30% and 36%.


How Much Protein Can A Person With CKD Have A Day

How Much Protein Can A Person With CKD Have A Day?How much protein should people with CKD eat per day? Most newly diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) are just told to control the intake of protein, because excessive protein can increase the workload on the kidney.So people with chronic kidney disease, a correct amount of protein is very important.
How much protein should people with CKD eat per day?
If the person is in stage 1, stage 2 or stage 3 of CKD, his kidney can still do its job normally so his protein intake may be limited to 12-15% of his calorie intake every day that means 8 grams protein per kilogram body weight per day.
If the person is in stage 4 of CKD, he may be advised to reduce protein to 10% of calorie intake per day. The suggested intake of protein decreases, because more than 70% of kidney function has lost in stage 4 of Chronic Kidney Disease.
The situation will be quite different in stage 5 CKD also called end-stage kidney disease, because in this stage patients have to rely on dialysis to live if they don’t have matched kidney. Dialysis, replacing part of kidney filtering function, is able to remove protein waste from the blood.

Protein is one essential nutrition for kidney patients. To improve your health condition, you had better make sure you are always on a correct diet plan.


Creatinine Level 2.7 High

Creatinine is the byproduct wastes of creatine in muscle and is commonly filtered out of body by kidneys.The normal creatinine level is between 0.6 and 1.2 for males and 0.5 to 1.1 for females.Creatinine level 2.7 is much higher than normal level.Because of powerful compensatory capacity of kidneys, creatinine level does not increase untile more than half of renal function is lost.
In general, high creatinine level is a dangerous sign for kidney disease patients, which means their kidneys have been damaged severely. In this condition, the patient need to have some effective treatments to lower hid high creatinine level and repair his kidney damage.
Can Hot Compress Therapy Help Lower Creatinine 2.7
Hot compress therapy can help lower creatinine 2.7 in these aspects.
- Improve the blood circulation
The herbal medicines used in hot compress therapy can help expand the blood vessels and help improve the blood circulation. In this process, the creatinine in blood can flow into kidneys and filter into urine, so the creatinine level will be lowered.
- Repair the damaged kidney tissues
Some herbal medicines have function of repairing the damaged kidney tissues and help protect the residual kidney function, which can help improve the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and improve the kidney function. When the GFR is improved, then the kidneys can remove more creatinine from blood, which can also lower the creatinine level 2.7.
Creatinine level 2.7 means that serious kidney damage has been formed. Restoring the impaired kidney structure and enhancing renal function can lower high creatinine level fundamentally.

However, there is no such a solution in traditional western medicine. If you are wondering more treatment information for nephritis with high creatinine, please email to ckdstage@hotmail.com.