
Children with Chronic Nephritis Protein 3 + How Governance

Nephritis is the body's inflammatory response kidneys, kidney nephritis evolved primarily healthy cells decreased intrinsic apoptosis, proliferation and extracellular matrix increases gradually to replace the healthy cells, leading to renal scarring become kidney, excretion, secretion of disorders, loss of normal function, the development of renal failure, advanced renal failure, uremia.
Clinically, patients with chronic nephritis Western hormone therapy, hormones have a good anti-inflammatory effect, however, hormone therapy kidney damage has not been repaired intrinsic cells, although the progression of chronic nephritis can be quickly controlled, but easy to relapse after treatment, while the anti- repeatedly relapse, is a palliative approach. The face of the side effects of the hormone will produce strong psychological resistance.
Experts stressed: chronic nephritis urine protein formation is due to the glomerular filtration barrier function has been injured in the state, so this disease is easy to relapse. Therefore, to avoid the recurrence of urinary protein in the key is to solve the problem of the glomerular filtration barrier is destroyed. The key lies in the elimination of proteinuria Hematuria: Repair damaged renal intrinsic cells and restores the damaged kidney function.
Micro-Chinese Medicine therapies penetration is obtained by the practice of good therapeutic effect. Chronic nephritis is caused by a variety of pathological damage as a result of impaired kidney infection local microcirculation, promote kidney tissue ischemia, hypoxia, once destroyed kidney endothelial cells. Capillary endothelial cells, renal dysfunction occurring after the change function is disrupted homeostasis attract circulating inflammatory cell infiltration, that the formation of the inflammatory response, synchronous start renal fibrosis, glomerular basement membrane damage, erythrocyte protein leakage. Will appear in the clinical proteinuria, hematuria and other symptoms.

Child physical than adults, less resistance protein 3 + specific pediatric treatment, please refer to a doctor online. I hope you have a speedy recovery! Fun!


